This week in transit: Volunteer to make masks for GRTC


As COVID-19 continues to impact our friends, families, routines, and the economy, GRTC continues to provide critical bus service to essential workers in the Richmond region. You can check on the GRTC system status and read about any policy updates over on their website.

Important note: Please only take the bus for essential trips!

GRTC is only able to provide this critical service to our region’s front-line workers because of its amazing operators, and those operators need to be protected from the coronavirus as much as possible—that’s why GRTC has suspended fare collection and implemented rear-door-only boarding on all buses. Additionally, the bus company wants to provide every operator and essential employee with two masks and “free masks for anyone who needs special assistance from operators to board and ride.” This is a fantastic idea, and one that you can help with!

If you’d like to make masks for GRTC, please check out the RVA Masks 4 Health Facebook group for tons of resources to get you started.


GRTC has also placed a recurring bulk order of hand sanitizer with Scott’s Addition-based Reservoir Distillery. This will help keep operators and GRTC staff safe during this crisis. Here’s what a huge drum of hand sanitizer looks like.

—Ross Catrow