This week in transit: RPS high school students ride for free


The unlimited bus pass program for RPS high school students begins on October 1st! If you’re a parent or guardian of an RPS high school student, and want them to have unlimited bus access to all our City has to offer (at no cost to you!), you’ll need to fill out this permission slip (PDF) and return it to your school’s liaison. If you have any questions about how the program works, you should read this handy FAQ, and if you’ve still got questions, shoot an email to Pass Program Administrator Kendra Norrell ().


One week from today GRTC will launch its next round of bus service updates which include a bus to Short Pump and expanded hours on its major lines. This is huge and exciting! You can find a list of those changes (plus all of the other changes going live on September 16th) over on GRTC’s website.

As always, if you have any questions about how you, your business, your congregation, or your bus-curious friends and family can take advantage of the new lines, please reach out and let us know! We’re happy to help.


Today, here are a bunch of links about the connections between housing and transit:

—Ross Catrow