This week in transit: Check out the new system map


Exciting news! GRTC has released their new 2018 system map (PDF) which shows the Pulse and the newly redesigned routes—all of which will launch later this year. A couple things to note: The Pulse is bright green, routes with 15-minute frequency are red, 30-minute frequency routes are blue, and 60-minute frequency routes are teal. Make sure you check out the map’s legend for some information on how the system changes at night and on Sundays, and then look at just how much more straightforward downtown’s map looks compared to the current spaghetti state of affairs.

If you’re anything like me, you can’t stop thinking about what’s accessible via our impending new transit network. For example, 65% of all spots with an ABC license are accessible by just the Pulse or the new #5 route! That #5—which runs from the East End, straight through downtown, all the way to Carytown—is a game changer.

Richmond BizSense has the word about some new development going in at the Interbake site near Broad and Boulevard. Developers are taking advantage of the newly updated Transit Oriented Development zoning and proximity to the Robinson Street Pulse Station.

Speaking of TOD, a proposed BRT in Fairfax is already generating investment from developers.


The Wall Street Journal looks at how cities across America are installing Bus Rapid Transit systems (or “fast-bus systems” in their parlance) at a fraction of the cost of light-rail.

I love this quote from an official with Denver’s public transit agency about making small, low-cost improvements to their transit network: “We’re not talking about millions and millions, hundreds of millions, or billions...We’re talking about modest costs to get a fairly substantial improvement.“ Their list of potential improvements includes stuff like bus bulbs (which I continue to think would be excellent in Carytown), bus queue jumps, and bus stop consolidation. Tiny, cheap improvements deployed across the entire network can add up and have a big impact.

Every once in a while I like to link to a very nerdy discussion of some transit nuts and bolts. Here’s a great discussion about how complicated it will be to improve the frequency of buses in Brooklyn. Transit is complex!

If you'd like to support RVA Rapid Transit's work to bring a truly regional transit system to Richmond, consider making a tax-deductible donation.

—Ross Catrow