The Time Has Come, The Transit Fans Said — RVA Rapid Transit

The Time Has Come, The Transit Fans Said

A bit more info about the Richmond Transit Network Plan, which is an incredibly unique opportunity before us to enhance transit in the City - one that will not come again anytime soon. You can see the dates and times for the public meetings at The first ones are coming up next Tues evening, April 19, and Wed evening, April 20, and Style Weekly has a quick article on it, "Study Kicks Off on Richmond Bus Overhaul." Spread the word!

On the regional front, here is a great Richmond Magazine interview with the man, the myth, the legend professor John Moeser: "On BRT, 'We Have to Build a Web.'"  On this note, if you know of a group or organization that might be interested in having an RVA Rapid Transit presentation on the regional system, just email Continuing to grow the movement of active and engaged supporters is how we will bring regional transit to fruition - one conversation, one presentation, one outreach at a time.  
