Canvass the Corridor — RVA Rapid Transit

Canvass the Corridor

ready to ride

You are Invited to Canvass the Corridor

On April 18, 2015 RVA Rapid Transit will lead an effort to canvass the Broad Street Corridor. We hope to engage citizens and merchants in conversation about the benefits and their concerns related to Bus Rapid Transit. Volunteers will distribute information, collect feedback and contact information so we can keep citizens and business owners engaged, updated and informed of the process.

Who: RVA Rapid Transit supporters, transit advocates, enthusiasts and anyone interested.

What: Help canvass the Broad Street corridor to spark positive dialogue around the BRT, collect contact information and explore citizen concerns.

When: Saturday, April 18, 2015, 12-4 p.m.

  • Training and Orientation 12-1pm
  • Dispersal, Canvassing & Debrief 1-4pm

Where: We will gather at St. James Episcopal Church @ 1133 W. Franklin for orientation. Parking is available in the lot beside the building and in the parking garage across the street. After orientation we will disperse to areas around the proposed BRT stations along Broad Street. We have free Go Cards for the first 50 volunteers to arrive, but please bring $3 for the bus just in case. The bus is $1.5 each way and you will need exact change.

How: Sign up HERE. Email for more information. Please invite anyone you know who might be interested and we encourage student, civic and church groups to take this on together as a service project.
